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Thursday, October 30, 2008

The Great Pumpkin

The Wandering Writer is having a contest which is really just an excuse to brag about Ernie, and so I am entering. Not that I need an excuse, however...

I don't dress Ernie up too much, which is probably why he is so tolerant of it when I do decide to do it. I had high hopes for this costume; Ernie and I would sit on the porch, bowl full of candy in my lap, and hand out candy to all the kiddies that came by. I wasn't thinking clearly, because it was my first Halloween in Michigan. In case you are wondering, it is cold in Michigan on October 31st. And by cold, I mean holy-smokes-I-think-I-have-frostbite cold.

I lasted about 20 minutes on the porch and got no trick-or-treaters. Apparently, in the village I lived in, everyone trick-or-treats in one area a couple of streets down that really gets into Halloween. We are talking a whole block of houses decked out with a pirate ship complete with skeleton crew, ghostly organ players straight out of Disneyland's The Haunted Mansion, and a pretty impressive electric chair. I ended up giving all my candy to a trio of older boys who wandered past the house on their way home from the "cool" street. Bummer. But Ernie did look pretty cute...

Hey look! I'm all dressed up!

So...when do I get my candy?

I think it'll look better on you *wink*

See? But seriously, about that candy...

I do have a pretty cute picture of Dexter and Ernie all dressed up for Halloween together, taken when Ernie was just a puppy. But it's at home. So maybe tomorrow?


Luck O' The Labrador said...

Super cute dogs! I like your blog a lot. Happy Halloween!

Dolce said...

AHHHH!!!! I love it! Stella Bella is going as Underdog...pretty generic I realize.

The Writer said...

Oh mannnnnn, THIS is gonna be tough! Great shots and you're definitely in the running! Enter early and enter often works for me!

Happy wandering!

The Writer...and her dog, Bear

saratogajean said...

luck o'the labrador - Thanks; I feel your pain on the large-sized Halloween costumes, too.

dolce - Well, a pumpkin isn't too original, either. I think cuteness counts more than originality.

the writer - Any excuse to post pictures of the dogs works for me.

LBluca77 said...

HAHA That picture of you is hilarious. Animals in costumes are so funny.

I will post my cat's picture tomorrow.

Toe said...

How cute! I'll try to wrestle my kid down and get a pic too!

So@24 said...

Ernie had me at the wink.

Maxie said...

I'm boycotting human halloweeen, but I plan on making my pets ALL dress up.

yes, even the cats.

They are going to hate me after tomorrow.

Kate said...

I haven't tried to dress my cats since I tried putting collars on them and they ended up shredded all over the place with little mounds of puke after they ingested the rhinestones. I'm a bad mommy.

saratogajean said...

lbluca77 - I think orange is more Ernie's color.

brazenbaretoe - Do it! I'd love to see them!

so - He gets more chicks that way.

maxie - It's totally worth the pet hate to dress them up and take pictures.

kate - Yeah, maybe costumes aren't such a hot idea for your kitties.

CC said...

Ernie looks adorable! I love to dress my babies up, it gives me somthing to chuckle at for a bit of time; good luck with the contest. I just love reading your blog, hope you don't mind I listed it on mine.

Mr. Bison and Lindsay said...

Ernie made a cute pumpkin! I enjoy reading your blog. Can always count on you making me laugh..thank you!

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