So I haven't blogged for a while (you didn't notice? oh well) which has created a backlog of post ideas that have leaked into my real life conversations. Prefacing a story with, "just a warning, this might be
TMI," doesn't really work out well when you end up telling your mom how you know it's gross but you still sit bare-assed on the toilet seat at bars because the 'squat-and-pee' maneuver it too difficult to pull off after a few drinks, and no one
really gets crabs from public toilets anyway, right?
Also I said 'fuck' in front of my mom and my 5 year old niece, but thankfully my family is too shocked to really address this issue, so after I weathered the 25-30 seconds of awkward silence I was home free.
So here's a quick recap of things that have happened to me in the past 2 weeks or so:
- I cut off
all most of my hair. I love it.
I went sledding with my niece in Michigan. Being in the snow for less than 45 minutes rocks. After that...not so much.
Steve got drums. :(
That is all for today. Yay 2009!
*[Updated to add]: Why did no one tell me I spelled niece wrong?
Oh! I dropped the f-bomb in front of my father in law on Christmas.
Good times.
Um...Awkwardness for 1?
Glad you had a fun holiday!!!
my family cusses like it's going out of style.
new hair SCORE!! I love it. :)
Awesome new hair! I cut mine too. It was boring me.
I continuously swear in front of my parents. My dad loves it and my mom just stares at me.
The new hair looks really cute.
And I like the transition from like...Angus Young style rocking to Rivers Cuomo style rocking.
Your Rocking Face is exactly like Slash's Rocking Face while he was with Guns n Roses, so you should feel pretty good about that.
Also, short hair is hot.
dolce - No one should be awkward alone. Make that a table for 2.
lump - I hope it's not going out of style, 'cause it's one of the few things I've got going for me.
marie - I am totally telling my hair it bores be right before I cut it again.
'See you later, sucka. You bore me. Good bye.'
andy - Jeez, now I have to do some wiki-research to confirm that I've gone from awesomely cool to even more awesomely cool.
surviving myself - You know, I do feel pretty good about that. High Five to Rocking Faces!
Damn that is hot.
I was talking about the drum set.
You're ok too.
Rock on with your bad self! I love how you have a baseball bat by your front door. Security?
I did not even notice you spelled it wrong. Whoops.
Love the new hair, very cute.
You rock a LOT.
Good for you. Good for you.
rs27 - I'll pass the compliment along to the drum set.
letitia - That is actually Steve's house, and yes, the tee ball bat by the door is for security. But mainly it just sits there and scares Ernie.
lbluca77 - Thanks!
arjewtino - I live to rock.
My father-in-law plays drums. In a band. That tours old age homes. I think it's awesome when grown-up men play drums for fun. =)
Great hair! I cut mine, too. Must have been the New Year's itch.
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