So when the BF lets me give him Sharpie tattoos, it is like the best gift he could give me. I get to use a Sharpie and draw on someone? Count me in.
Me: "What do you want?"
Him: "A naked chick sitting on top of the globe with a recycling symbol on it."
Me: "Okay..."
**This is the NSFW portion of the post**
Click here for the uncensored picture.
**Edited to add:
I forgot! I gave Ernie a Sharpie tattoo, too:
That is truly bad ass in a recycling yuppie kind of way.
I want to know exactly what that chick is recycling! And she needs to get her hooha off the earth. She has no idea where it's been
I want one.
Hahaha - I LOVE IT! Will you come give out Sharpie tattoos at my wedding? I think you'd be a big hit!
ben - "Recycling Yuppie" is a great idea for a Halloween costume.
dingo - I blame her for the melting of the polar ice caps.
kate - Well, next time I'm in South Dakota I'll pencil you in for a session.
nilsa - Sure! I also do face painting.
By far your most scandalous post yet.
You blacked out the tattoo! Hilarious!
so - It was my first time drawing a naked lady. As you can tell, I made the boobies lopsided--I was nervous.
dolce - I guess I'm trying to keep this blog PG-13. Are you allowed to drop F-bombs and still be PG-13?
you crack me up-- I thought the NSFW part was going to be much worse! LOL
maxie - Maybe next time...I need to get a finer tipped Sharpie.
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