So Andy over at
Film, Tape, and Steel Strings offered to
humor interview me (
ok, really I volunteered because I'm still not in the I-can-totally-write-a-funny-blog-post-no-problem mode). Here are the 5 questions he asked me with my answers. Now I'm supposed to send 5 new questions to anyone else who's interested; just leave me a comment letting me know you'd like to be
interrogated interviewed and I'll come up with 5 brilliant and insightful questions and email them to you. It's possible that I've gotten some of this stuff wrong so check out Andy's blog for
the real rules.
1) If you have one physical possession that means more to you than all others, what is it?Growing up as a military brat, my family moved a lot and I ending up
losing having to part with a lot of stuff, so I view most of my
possessions as replaceable. I won't count the animals, even though legally they
are possessions, but if the house was on fire they would probably beat me out of the door (or in
Hemo's case, push me down on her way out
a la George Costanza). If my house was on fire and I could only grab one thing, I'd probably grab my electric skillet, because that thing makes some AWESOME
hash browns and I even made soup in it once. True, I could buy another one at
Wal*Mart for $19.99, but what if
Wal*Mart burned down, too? I'd be S.O.L.
2)What is an embarrassing High School moment that you had to live through? In high school, I played clarinet in the marching band, and no, that's not the
embarrassing moment. My sophomore year, we marched in the Junior Orange Bowl Parade in Florida. I was so pumped. We were going to
DisneyWorld, too. Double pumped. I was getting ready at 4am to get on the bus, going through my usual routine of curling my bangs in the infamous claw-over-the-forehead style, when the stench of burning hair assaulted my nose. All 20 strands of hair that made up my bangs had
seperated themselves from my head and were seared onto the curling iron. I lost my shit. Crying, screaming, peeking at my crispy baby bangs through red, puffy eyes, I jammed a Mickey Mouse ball cap on my head and boarded the bus with my
bandmates. My bangs have never been the same.
3) Who is your "favorite" blogger/blog and why?My favorite blogger is Dingo over at
As I Was Saying. She was one of the first
commentors on my blog, and she has become my blog hero. She's had like a million different jobs, from stewardess to attorney to college professor, and has the baddest
Photoshop skills you've ever seen. Plus she has a baby
pigeon named
McJagger (well, maybe he's not a baby anymore, or even a boy, and maybe he no longer resides on her porch or enjoys Dingo Girl's protection, but still,
McJAGGER? Come on! That's golden.) Also I want her on my side during the zombie apocalypse, because she's devoted some serious time to planning for and surviving said apocalypse.
4) Your favorite nickname someone else has given you*. Well, it's
definitely not
Wine Eye. My sisters called me Sarah Jeanie Weenie when we were little and I hated that, too. My senior year of high school, though, I developed an insane crush on my AP American History teacher, Mr. Tucker. Man, my knees
still get weak thinking about him. I had (and filmed, the shame!) a fake wedding in which my Little Foot stuffed dinosaur stood in for Mr. Tucker at the altar. I was convinced that when I saw him at the Homecoming football game the year after I graduated, he'd offer to take me for a ride on his motorcycle, and then propose marriage. I guess I don't need to tell you what didn't happen that night. Sigh.
What we were talking about? Oh yeah, nicknames. There were only 6 people in my history class, and when we were learning about the Battle of
Saratoga, Mr. Tucker started calling me
Saratoga Jean (my middle name is Jean, if you haven't picked that up already) and it is now my email address, my screen name, and my first and only tattoo.
Ok, one of those is a lie. But Mr. Tucker, if you are out there...I love you. Still. Call me.
5) If you had to move to a major city somewhere in the US, what would it be
and why?I'd move to Honolulu, because I couldn't stand to be anywhere colder than where I am right now. We lived in
Hawai'i for 6 years when I was in elementary school, and if money wasn't a consideration I'd moved back in a heart beat. The ocean is beautiful, the water is clear and warm all year long, the food is an absolutely delicious blend of
Polynesian and
Asian influences, the culture is fascinating, and even on your worst day, you are still in
Hawai'i. The best corn on the cob and the best shave ice I've ever eaten were from roadside vendors on the way home from the North Shore. Man, I need to start saving my pennies.
So, who's next?------------------------------------------------------
*I don't believe in giving yourself a nickname. That's why I slapped several people in the face at a bar who were calling my friend Ashley "A-bomb." It's not a real nickname, guys, she gave it to herself. Stop calling her that. Call her "
Smashley." It's funnier.
I know I shouldn't have slapped the innocents who didn't know any better. But I couldn't help myself. My rage blinded me.